Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Im Done

Polk County has me frustraited. I have never been this sick. Since January 23 i have been either sick or dealing with a sick family member. Not even one day off. Thats over a month. This is pathetic. I have had fevers, coughs, diaherea, vomit, naseua. I am the pepto bismal commercial. The weird part is that while my physical body lies in a state of what feels like near death, my spiritual self is somehow stronger than it has been in a while. Maybe its because all this down time has let me reconnect with God through His word and prayer. Maybe its because I can see people going out of their way to help me and my family. I have had people run out to get stuff for me or my sick child when i could not leave. Maybe it was my wife sitting up with me all nite when my fever was over 102. Maybe it was me being able to help my wife a week later when here fever was over 103. Or maybe it was the fact that God finally woke me up and said "hey, Im talking here." Either way, I know all things go to give God the glory, but I dont know how much more i can take. Im done.

Keanu Reeves does not care about this nasty stinking flu bug going around


Jennifer said...

Hey, don't blame Polk Cty... not all of us are sick! :)

Hope you are back on your feet again.

Rachel said...

Praying for you guys!