Thursday, August 14, 2008


I know that we are all human. I know we are all sinners. I also understand that Christians are saved by grace and grace alone. I do not understand how people who are supposed to be Gods people act like they dont know who God is.

I feel like I am alone in this place. I have friends who are here, a wife who is loving, and ministers who are in the same boat as I am. I even met a guy who is slowly becomming a great friend. Why do I still feel alone. God called me here and I followed. With all these great people around, why does it feel like its just me and God.

Is it because I am relying on the other people and not relying on God alone. Is it because I am putting faith in men and not God alone. What is God trying to teach me through this. All I can do is cling to God right now, because man has really let me down.

Keanu Reeves does not care about the ongoing battle of SuperWallmart vs Super Target

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2+2= chair

Ok, so I am now a math teacher. I am at a great school where everyone is trying to help each other. It is day two and my room looks worse than when I walked in. I have teacher suplements all over the room, posters all over the floor, and the room has a sense of dread.

I almost feel like it is appropriate since dread is what most teens feel when they walk into a math class. Of course, I feel like I am the one to change that. My teaching style has always been to wow the kids with something. The problem is that math is not a wow subject. Math is more of a woe subject. So that is issue one that I have to deal with.

I love this school, and I have yet to see the students. Every teacher has been very helpful. It actually seems like it is a family setting. I know how to do the math, so that will come easy. I am not sure where my nerves are comming from.

This week I get to start working with a local youth pastor and his youth group. I am looking forward to being a servant. I want to help out whenever and however I can.

My son got into the daycare of the school I am working at. I did not do well dropping him off. He cried...and he cried "Daddy!". That was gut-wrenching. Ten minutes later, he was running around having a blast. That hurt too. God answered our prayers to get him into a good daycare.

My wife is voulenteering this week. Her electronic fingerprints smudged. Think about that for a second. They are electronic. Smudge free. She wont get paid until the fingerprints clear. Pray for that.

I need to go decorate my room. Or at least try to.

Keanu Reeves does not care about the lack of decor in my class room.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lesson learned

Ok, so God decided to show me just how wrong I could be. I was not finding Joy. Rather, let me say that I was taking my joy in what God could do, not what He is. To update my last post, I now have a job teaching at a school, my son had a daycare spot open up at that school, and God, one again is showing me that He really does take care of all my needs. I knew that. Thats what makes me feel bad, but in a good way.

You see, my pastor told me to preach to myself. All those lessons that I have taught my youth group, I needed to give to me. I did, and then God answered my prayers. How low am I to think that God would not take care of my family. In my prayer time I felt God telling me that its ok. God just does not give up on me. I am so thankful for that. I hope that I dont do this again.

My trip back to south florida was amazing. I took 3 of my new youth back with me so that they could say goodbye to their friends one last time before the school year starts. We had a blast, singing clasic rock songs, talking about favorite movies, songs, and even having them criticize me over my love of all things High School Musical. These kids have a passion for God and that inspires me. And they are great kids. I cant wait to continue watching them grow in faith.

I am enjoying my last few days in south fla with my best friend. We ate Publix Chicken, watched tv and just had fun. I have to clean my townhouse...i dont want to. I start work on Monday and that means my last days of summer will be spent cleaning.

So, as I go start my new life in Haines city, I am taking my new perspective on Joy with me. I will be counting it ALL joy...not just in what God can do, but Who GOD IS. Keep praying for us. thanks

Keanu Reeves does not care about the current state of the housing market in Florida.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

count it all joy

Ok, so I am supposed to count it all joy. The Bible says that, in the book of James. Its even specific. It says to count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds. So why am I have trouble with this.

I know that my joy comes from God alone. Some of the most joyous moments I have ever experienced come from me trusting God and letting Him take control of situations that I know I cant handle.

This move to Haines City has been a great blessing and God has made everything work out so well. We found great housing at an even better price. My wife got a job before we ever found housing. Two of my closest friends made the move with us and the church to help with the youth group. Our Youth Group has a core group of around 8-10 kids who are amazing. I cant wait to start working with them. I have the final job interview for a teaching position that will hopefully allow me to do volleyball. And yet, my joy seems to be a work in progress.

My son has nowhere to go durring the day. The school I may work at has a great daycare, but it is full. I could scrap the teaching job and just get a night job so I can stay home with Devin durring the day. I dont want to make that decision because I want to let God continue to show me His way. I dont want the decision to be based out of fear or concern. I want it to be where God wants me.

So, this is what God means by trials of many kinds.

I did some fundraising yesterday. It went well. I am still waiting for God to take over that also.
My old company agreed to be a prayer partner with me. I dont know if they will help financially but the prayer is a great start.

So, here is my Joy. Knowing that God has always taken care of me. To the non believer that may not sound like joy, but for me, it truely is. I know that God will take care of my family and me in His way. He took care of us when I was not following what He called me to do. Looking back, I can see that God took care of me even when I was not following Him at all. I would be an idiot if I did not think He would continue taking care of me. Its just the worldly part of me that has concern.

Pray for me to continue to find joy in all the trials that I face. And pray that all our needs are met and that things continue to work out for us. Thank you in advance for the prayer.

Well, I gotta go. See you in the Four Corners area. I have to go start counting the Joy.

Keanu Reeves does not care about giving me back the money I spent watching the Lake House.