Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2+2= chair

Ok, so I am now a math teacher. I am at a great school where everyone is trying to help each other. It is day two and my room looks worse than when I walked in. I have teacher suplements all over the room, posters all over the floor, and the room has a sense of dread.

I almost feel like it is appropriate since dread is what most teens feel when they walk into a math class. Of course, I feel like I am the one to change that. My teaching style has always been to wow the kids with something. The problem is that math is not a wow subject. Math is more of a woe subject. So that is issue one that I have to deal with.

I love this school, and I have yet to see the students. Every teacher has been very helpful. It actually seems like it is a family setting. I know how to do the math, so that will come easy. I am not sure where my nerves are comming from.

This week I get to start working with a local youth pastor and his youth group. I am looking forward to being a servant. I want to help out whenever and however I can.

My son got into the daycare of the school I am working at. I did not do well dropping him off. He cried...and he cried "Daddy!". That was gut-wrenching. Ten minutes later, he was running around having a blast. That hurt too. God answered our prayers to get him into a good daycare.

My wife is voulenteering this week. Her electronic fingerprints smudged. Think about that for a second. They are electronic. Smudge free. She wont get paid until the fingerprints clear. Pray for that.

I need to go decorate my room. Or at least try to.

Keanu Reeves does not care about the lack of decor in my class room.

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